About Us




Stigma, and 


P.U.L.S.E. represents a dynamic alliance of individuals who have experience using drugs. Additionally, P.U.L.S.E includes advocates and supporters for drug-using communities.

At the heart of our mission, we assert the crucial need for the voices of current drug users to be included in discussions regarding drug policy, treatment practices, and anything else that affects drug users firsthand. This inclusion is essential for fostering impactful change. Historically, the narrative has been dominated by law enforcement and the so-called "Treatment Industrial Complex", both of which have been positioned as authorities on the subject despite a glaring conflict of interest and a long track record of costly failures. We are committed to challenging these entrenched narratives and countering drug war propaganda by leveraging actual data and the powerful testimonies of those who are living or who have lived through these experiences. 

We prioritize compassion, autonomy, and human connection over the punitive, isolative, and often exploitative approaches favored by entities benefiting from the distress perpetuated by the War on (people who use) Drugs. 

Together, we unite to confront stigma, insist on representation in critical conversations, and nurture a sense of support and belonging within our community.